Tuesday, January 16, 2007

8 Glasses a Day

I am sure all of you have heard that you should drink 8 glasses of water a day. I have been hearing this since I was a kid but never really abibed by it. I recently attempted to meet the minimum 8 glasses/day requirement but when I read this story I was shocked.
The woman in the article entered a radio contest in an attempt win her kids a Wii. The winner of the contest had to drink as much water as possible without going to the restroom. Unbenounce to her as well as the radio show, drinking too much water in a short amount of time causes water intoxication. Gee... who would have thought? Alcohol intoxication, surely that makes perfect sense (since alcohol is toxic), but water?

This story brought me back to my good old days when there was no adult supervision. My brother and I were bored during a Saturday afternoon. Our parents were out with our sister and after watching the reruns of whatever cartoons that we were fans of we decided to do something. With nothing better to do so we decided to have a drinking contest! We went through our options of what to drink. We had milk, water, and OJ but there was an abudance of OJ so we decided to go with that (we weren't big fans of water and the only time we would drink it was when our mother forced us to). The rules were simple, the ultimate winner would be the person who could finish the most before giving up. Peeing was absolutely OK. After we finished the first carton (and taking a few restroom breaks) we worked on our 2nd carton. We were doing great, it seemed like it was way too easy and we would probably we more OJ then we had. After we finished our 2nd carton we wanted to go to the restroon, but there was a problem! We tried to pee but couldn't (the fluid didn't filter to the bladder yet). In all, we had consumed 2 cartons of OJ (1 carton each, in about 30 minutes). I was on the floor in a fetal position from the pain the damned OJ caused. But after a while we were able to relive ourselves and both of us walked away in a tie. Boy was this a bad idea (in hindsight of course). But we did learn a very valuable lesson from all of this and that was to never waste Minutemaid orange juice (our mother bitched at us for consuming it for fun).

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